add: gift or curse?

In the past few days, I have been drawn into several different discussions on the topic of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). The individual subjects have ranged from “what is ADD, really?” to “I took an online test; should I go see a doctor?” I have found that discussion of ADD — and its sibling, ADHD […]

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boycotts, buycotts, and speaking out

In recent days, I’ve received several e-mails urging people to keep their wallets closed on Inauguration Day (January 20th). You may have received this message, too — entitled “Not One Damn Dime Day.” The idea, according to the e-mail is that “our government will wake up and listen if they are hit economically.” I have […]

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The Burning Times (Jeanne Kalogridis)

The Burning Times : A Novel of Medieval France Jeanne Kalogridis Simon & Schuster, 2002 ISBN: 0684869241 A few weeks back, I checked this book out of the library for a re-read, having initially read “The Burning Times” nearly a year ago. I hadn’t expected to get hooked when I first picked up “The Burning […]

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new year’s revolution

Here’s something I wrote nine years ago, in 1995. I was in the midst of changing direction in my life, and while I knew instinctively that the results would be very good — and even though I’d faced and conquered big change before — it was scary to take those first steps. Big shifts and […]

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I’ve been seeing trailers for the upcoming movie, “White Noise,” and while the premise appeals to me, I have no interest in the way the story has been developed; at least, I have no interest in what the trailers tell me the movie is about. Granted, I’ve not read a script or even anything more […]

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Pay It Forward (Catherine Ryan Hyde)

Pay It Forward Catherine Ryan Hyde Pocket Books ISBN: 0743412028 If I hadn’t had anything else on my plate, I would have read Catherine Ryan Hyde’s Pay It Forward straight through. Even so, I pushed some things off and shuffled the schedule around in order to make time for reading. I had seen the movie […]

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Last night, I dreamt that I was in attendance at a very large “open house” at a local church. There was music, lots of flowers and candles, and many members of the church on hand to greet guests from the community. With its massive columns and other classical features, the church itself looked as though […]

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