midstream thoughts on AI narration

By now, you’ve probably been inundated by stories about recent advances in artificial intelligence—from art generation to text creation—and how it’s either the end of all things or the salvation of humanity. I’ve seen some hopeful promise as well as legitimate causes for concern, and for the latter I recommend the most recent episode of […]

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carving a path out of burnout

This week, my latest piece for Sky & Telescope was posted. The topic is burnout, seen through a stargazing lens. Honestly, I feel both relieved and kind of anxious that it’s out there now. I’d struggled with the topic for a solid month before I turned in my draft—not because I didn’t know what to […]

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when a haircut isn’t just a haircut

I had an experience yesterday that I’m still stewing over, and while the occurrence itself was problematic, there are some larger issues at work, too. What better way to process than through a blog post, I guess? Burnout is a very real thing, and I’ve apparently been in varying states of autistic burnout for long […]

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at the end, a possible new beginning

There haven’t been too many blog posts from me this year—only three, if the Scrivener project in which I keep all these entries is to be believed. I was only somewhat more active in this space the year prior. Many things kept me from blogging more, including health, stress, grief, anxiety, and a bunch of […]

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2022 eligibility post

This is my first ever awards eligibility post—not because I’ve never written anything award-eligible before, but because I felt unworthy and for a long time I was naive about how nominations work. Even deep into middle age, impostor syndrome looms large. This, at least, changes now; I hope to make an annual habit of this […]

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Nearly two months ago, I submitted an application for a writer’s retreat scheduled for later this year. I put a lot of thought and effort into that application, even though I wasn’t sure at the time how much I wanted to attend the retreat. And then I forgot about it, for a month or so. […]

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seven and a half years down

It occurs to me that today marks seven and half years since the daily headaches began.  I’d had headaches before 19 November 2014; I just hadn’t had them every day before then. It’s been a difficult, ugly journey. However. I think I’ve finally found something that helps. After trying so many different prescription medications, vitamins, […]

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