2023 awards eligibility post

I’m late on this one, but I’m still putting this out there. Like last year, I feel self-conscious about posting such a list, but this needs to be an annual habit. Maybe next time I’ll put a reminder in my ToDoist and/or my bullet journal to make sure it happens in a more timely manner. […]

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almost two weeks into recovery

So much for my plan to blog regularly about my post-surgical recovery. The truth is, after my total knee replacement surgery on July 18, it took a long while for me to feel up to writing anything. I don’t mean that to sound scary or ominous; rather, surgery is a major trauma to the body, […]

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choosing pain

  The surgery is tomorrow morning! I’ve been running through my checklists to make sure I get everything done. I’d set aside some time today to attend to what seemed like a huge amount of prep work—like preparing ready-to-go meals for the week ahead, and laundering the bed linens and towels—and then found that I […]

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TKA jitters: a matter of perspective

With major surgery coming up next week, I’m taking a stab here at documenting my experience in case it helps someone else. Anxiety and excitement share the same physical characteristics: increased heart rate, butterflies in the stomach, singular mental focus, and so on. Years ago, I was on the eve of a skydiving adventure with […]

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Jax, the Manatee of Dogs


If you subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on social media, you already know that we recently adopted a dog. Everyone, please meet Jax—aka, the Manatee of Dogs, because he is a sweet-tempered, gentle giant. Our current guess is that Jax is a Great Dane/Black lab mix—a Labradane (or a Danelab, if you want […]

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midstream thoughts on AI narration

By now, you’ve probably been inundated by stories about recent advances in artificial intelligence—from art generation to text creation—and how it’s either the end of all things or the salvation of humanity. I’ve seen some hopeful promise as well as legitimate causes for concern, and for the latter I recommend the most recent episode of […]

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carving a path out of burnout

This week, my latest piece for Sky & Telescope was posted. The topic is burnout, seen through a stargazing lens. Honestly, I feel both relieved and kind of anxious that it’s out there now. I’d struggled with the topic for a solid month before I turned in my draft—not because I didn’t know what to […]

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