at the end, a possible new beginning

There haven’t been too many blog posts from me this year—only three, if the Scrivener project in which I keep all these entries is to be believed. I was only somewhat more active in this space the year prior. Many things kept me from blogging more, including health, stress, grief, anxiety, and a bunch of […]

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Nearly two months ago, I submitted an application for a writer’s retreat scheduled for later this year. I put a lot of thought and effort into that application, even though I wasn’t sure at the time how much I wanted to attend the retreat. And then I forgot about it, for a month or so. […]

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seven and a half years down

It occurs to me that today marks seven and half years since the daily headaches began.  I’d had headaches before 19 November 2014; I just hadn’t had them every day before then. It’s been a difficult, ugly journey. However. I think I’ve finally found something that helps. After trying so many different prescription medications, vitamins, […]

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September flowers. Portland, Oregon. (Jennifer Willis)

finding my rhythm, and more experiments in publishing

On October 5, my latest novel, Crooked Curse, will be available. This is the first book in a new paranormal cozy mystery series—Haunted Coast—set in the same literary universe as the Rune Witch urban fantasy books. It’s also the first book I’ve published in nearly three years. I’m not so much thrilled about that part. […]

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giant red hibiscus flowers in Portland, Oregon. (September 2021; Jennifer Willis)

educating the helpers: an unfortunate burden

“It’s just an article,” she said to me on the Zoom call. “Just because it’s posted on the Autism Speaks website doesn’t mean they wrote it or that it’s objectionable.” The fight had nearly gone out of me. This was a scheduled appointment with a resource specialist in my therapist’s office, and it was the […]

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changing the world, one story at a time

There’s the often repeated advice to keep writing, because no one can tell your stories the way you can. I have no idea where this wisdom originated. It felt like pablum to me when I was a younger writer and had these words of encouragement directed my way, but I’ve since said the same to […]

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Dusk. Portland, Oregon. 24 June 2021. (Jennifer Willis)

tiny prayers in the dark

“Help me to love myself more.” Last night, I surprised myself by whispering these words into the darkness. It’s not unusual for me to murmur words of encouragement, request, appreciation, or hope like this. Call them little prayers if you want to, or personal affirmations if that makes more sense to you. It’s one small […]

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