getting out the vote…. er, ballot

This evening, I received a call from a local organizer, while I was thawing out a piece of meat I’d forgotten about in the freezer and attempting to gauge the freezer-burn damage. He was looking for volunteers to go door-to-door in my community, urging people to vote — more specifically, urging supporters of the […]

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about ballots

I received my ballot in the mail over the weekend. While I am used to going to the polls each year on election day, Oregon — my new state of residence — operates on ballots instead. You know, the mail-in kind. They tell me that using the ballot system has dramatically increased voter participation, and […]

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flushable goddess and discipline

The other night, I lay in bed, listening to the toilet run. I had jiggled the handle, to no avail. It just kept running. Every so often, the noise would become a wee bit fainter, but wouldn’t stop. Finally, I got up and flushed the toilet again. There was again the sound of what promised […]

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at last, into the fray….

So, Jen has a blog. This is mostly a simple test posting while checking links and while in the midst of the Ravenwald site re-working. With luck, there should be a slightly more entertaining entry available within a week.

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