2023 awards eligibility post

I’m late on this one, but I’m still putting this out there. Like last year, I feel self-conscious about posting such a list, but this needs to be an annual habit. Maybe next time I’ll put a reminder in my ToDoist and/or my bullet journal to make sure it happens in a more timely manner. […]

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midstream thoughts on AI narration

By now, you’ve probably been inundated by stories about recent advances in artificial intelligence—from art generation to text creation—and how it’s either the end of all things or the salvation of humanity. I’ve seen some hopeful promise as well as legitimate causes for concern, and for the latter I recommend the most recent episode of […]

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at the end, a possible new beginning

There haven’t been too many blog posts from me this year—only three, if the Scrivener project in which I keep all these entries is to be believed. I was only somewhat more active in this space the year prior. Many things kept me from blogging more, including health, stress, grief, anxiety, and a bunch of […]

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2022 eligibility post

This is my first ever awards eligibility post—not because I’ve never written anything award-eligible before, but because I felt unworthy and for a long time I was naive about how nominations work. Even deep into middle age, impostor syndrome looms large. This, at least, changes now; I hope to make an annual habit of this […]

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Nearly two months ago, I submitted an application for a writer’s retreat scheduled for later this year. I put a lot of thought and effort into that application, even though I wasn’t sure at the time how much I wanted to attend the retreat. And then I forgot about it, for a month or so. […]

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setting up the 2021 bullet journal

I’ve been hard at work getting the new bullet journal ready for 2021, and since a friend (Hi, Heidi!) asked for details about how I’m currently using this customized system, I figured a blog post was in order. Warning: Planning nerdiness ahead. I’ve written previously about the bullet journal — my bullet journal adventure so […]

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A tomato kitchen timer.

timed sessions, when time has no meaning

I’ve been wanting to re-start this blog with more regular posts on helpful and constructive topics, but life was always intervening. That seems like an entire lifetime ago. One of the topics I wanted to cover was the benefit of using a timer to help get started on projects, to focus on ongoing work, and […]

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